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  • April 2024
    S M T W T F S

When Do You Stop Praying?

When God moves with a word, He really moves!  I started writing this last week, and over the course of a week I have read several people relating to this message.  They have been over facebook, twitter, and their own blogs.  So this only confirms that not only was this message meant for me but others as well.

Have you ever gotten to the point where you have prayed for something and then watched nothing happen?  I have heard of so many stories over my life time where people just give up.  They claim to have prayed and have faith that their prayer will be answered with things in the positive direction.  But then when they don’t see the results that they wanted as soon as they wanted, they give in to doubt and unbelief.  Now, I am not saying nor would I ever say that God doesn’t answer every single prayer out there.  I know that he does.  But what I will say is that if we don’t pray correctly and with the same faith that Jesus Himself had we won’t think the answer has been given.

1 Thessalonians 5:17,18    Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  The first verse says to not stop praying, and then the second says to say thank you to God in the name of Jesus that you are able to pray about what ever it is that you’re praying about.  Because that is God’s will.  Now I know that it may sound a little crazy to  thank God because you or someone you know is having an extremely hard time. I know people who have gone through cancer and other diseases and that would have been the last thing they would have thought about doing.  But as Christians we are supposed to do the will of God and not question it.  It doesn’t have to make sense to us at the time.  Although you could ask in your prayers for understanding of the trouble you’re going through.  It has nothing to do with what you think you see, or how you feel about what is going on.  It also has nothing to do with how many times you pray, because you are not supposed to stop anyway.  You go through whatever to bring glory to God through Christ Jesus.  It pleases Him and is His will.  That should be all that matters.  

Do you remember what God told Joshua?  Joshua 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.  We are told again in Psalms 1:2  But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.  We are to abide by the law of God.  Which are His commandments.  These are the things that God has mandated us to do.  Did you see the part where it says thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein?  And then again we are to have delight in doing of His law.  We are to do this day and night.  

I know that the majority of the country has been having a heat wave the last couple of weeks.  But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still Thanksgiving.  We have all seen several pictures and the real thing of sunrises and sunsets that are beautiful.  But let’s not forget all the beauty that happens in between.

Walking With A Purpose

As you might have read before, my hubby has MS.  This April there will be a walk for the cure right here in Oxford, Ohio.  This will be our 2nd. time doing this walk.  Here is a digital scrapbook page I did of last years walk.

We had a great time during the walk.  The weather wasn’t that great though.  It was lightly raining with a cold breeze.  But we did it!!! All 3 miles without a break.  Pastor Tim Tice  of Grace Pointe Church even came out and walked with us.  (He’s the other dude in the bottom picture)  It is my hope that we will be able to do this every year.  I do not claim to know what it is like having MS.  But I do know what it is like living with someone who does.  The word frustrating does not even cover it.  Because the disease has so many symptoms and all different for different people, one never knows how they will wake up to feeling like from one day to the next, let alone from one minute to the next.  Symptoms can come and go in the blink of an eye.  So you have to make accommodations for that no matter what is going on.  Joe is blessed.  He is still able to work as an Interstate Freight Re-locator (Truck Driver) even with a tremor in his left hand and arm that has not gone away in over a year and a half.  He has his moments where his legs feel (as he tries to describe it) hollow.  He has times of mood swings.  He has his bouts with feeling completely drained.  He has a family (at home and at church)who loves him and prays for him all the time.  He has a good neurologist doctor in Indianapolis.  (Yes, we go back to Indianapolis for his Dr. visits.  Good neurologist  are very hard to find.) He has good support while he is on the road with other drivers.  (I can’t say enough about how much I love those guys.  They have become a part of our family and we pray for each and every one!)  He gets excited about doing this walk.  This is a chance for people to get as hands on in the battle as possible.   So I would like to encourage you to take part if you get a chance.  There are walks done all over the country.  And for those of you who are unable or too busy, then please donate at the link  https://secure3.convio.net/nmss/site/Donation2?idb=1606982508&df_id=38606&FR_ID=17709&PROXY_ID=9470188&38606.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=20&JServSessionIdr004=1i2k6vv521.app330b  The money is used to help.  Help in research.  Help in informing.  Help in treatment.  I ask that you do a part in the help.  There are so many people who are a lot worse off than Joe.  People who can’t even do simple things without aid of another.  Even if you are unable to do a walk or donate still click on the link and get informed.  Knowledge is power.  And who knows, you might come up with an idea or question that no one else has that would benefit others.  Thank you all.

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